I'm Going to be a Dad!

Posted: Wednesday, December 31, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: , ,

That's right. Rach and I just found out yesterday (12.30.08 which is Rachel's Bday as well) that she is pregnant! Thier will be a little mini-me running around in September sometime. We are hoping to be in a house before the new member of our family join us if that is God's will. Life is about to change for us!

Dear Heavenly Father we pray that this new life will grow and be healthy and that you will protect Rachel and this little one. We pray that we would be parents that glorify you and guide and point this child to you. Amen.


PC VS Mac Transform

Posted: Monday, December 29, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: , , ,

Pretty cool visual FX...I found out about this on facebook thanks to Ben N.
I would love to be able to do this kind of stuff.


God changes people

Posted: Saturday, December 20, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: , ,

Brain was in a band called Korn....(If you don't know anything about this band you can do a Google image search on Korn and get a feeling for what this band is about)God has done some pretty cool things and this is one of them. You never know who God is going to work in and through.

I am Second. Who is first in your life?



Posted: Friday, December 19, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: , ,

I've been twitting for a while now...well twitter has worked out some of the earlier problems and I have gotten back into it. Its micro blogging. Think of it like status updates on facebook but updated a little bit more often. Start following people and get to know them a little better. Check out whose twitting. Its free. www.twitter.com

You can check out their new widget on the right hand side of this blog towards the bottom.


Posted: Thursday, December 18, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: , ,

Make a difference

Posted: Monday, December 8, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: , ,

Right now I'm wondering how many people actually try and live what they say they believe. I know its a hard thing to do and I struggle with it daily. I pray that the Lord gets a hold over hearts and people catch a fire for living out God's will! Dear God fan the flame in me.


Checking in

Posted: Wednesday, December 3, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels:

Its been a while since I posted anything. Been swamped with work. The NYWC was a good time as well as a streching expeceince. Between that and Thanksgiving I got a lot of catch up to do. God is awesome and is challengeing me a lot I feel. Now its time to work on a handout. I sure hope some students and parents actually look at it.


Sweet Designs

Posted: Tuesday, November 18, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: , ,

Check out the sweet designs at alreadybeenchewed.net. I've been kicking around the idea of going back to school and learn more about design. I think this is a great place for inspiration.

The Conference

Posted: by Paul Gaspar in Labels: ,

NYWC is almost hear...little stressed trying to get every taken care of while I'm gone.



Posted: Friday, November 7, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: ,

I'm going to be going away to tne NYWC.  I'm looking forward to it but I'm really feeling swampped.  So I will be going crazy up until I leave.  I'm excited to learn some new things and bring it back.  There are a couple of bummers about this trip.  The Food.  Last time I was in Nashville I wasn't to impressed and you only need a couple types of food to impress me.  The second is I'm going all by my lonesome.  So I'm going to have to be a big brave dog all alone.


think about it!

Posted: Friday, October 31, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: , ,

"Are there consequences to disobedience? Yes.  But our relationship with God is about love, not the pursuit of rewards and the avoidance of penalties."
How do you look at your relationship with God?

relevant_nov/dec 08 p.59

Cold Season!

Posted: Wednesday, October 29, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: ,

Yes, I've got a stinkin cold! Hopefully I will kick this quickly. Right now I'm in the midst of planning a lesson series I'm calling ReThink. It's going to be about some of the big questions facing Christianity. I finish the first lesson but right now I'm struggling to figue out how to work the second lesson. Hopefully I will be able to focus threw this cold. Lord give me the words to share for this lesson.


Mission Trip

Posted: Saturday, October 18, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: ,

Its about that time to start thinking about summer!  Wait didn't we just finish summer!?  Well at least start thinking about a summer Mission trip.   Get the details at OLBC's Youth site!  This trip will keep us close to home but we will be helping out some refugees.  

What are you doing now to be hands and feet for God?


Youth Ministry and Blogging

Posted: Wednesday, October 8, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in

I got in a new resource for youth ministry from simply youth ministry [Doug Fields and Friends]. I think that I may try and set up a blog for it and see where it leads.


The Case for the Real Jesus SE

Posted: Thursday, October 2, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: , , ,

I've been going through this book as a resource for a youth group series about apologetics (defending your faith). This book addresses many of the issues that we will face in today's world. Their are several interviews with experts. You will be presents the facts. I think it is a must read for those that have a relationship with Christ and those that want to examine the evidence for themselves.
The Case for the Real Jesus Student Edition
Lee Strobel and Jane Vogel

Let's pop the Bubble

Posted: Tuesday, September 23, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: , , , ,

Christians enjoy being in their own community. The more they seclude themselves,
the less they can function in the real world. So many Christians are caught in
the Christian "bubble."
Unchristian p.121
We need to have some balance.

Science is Helpful

Posted: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in

Check out this article that talks about Science's Blindspots. How true is the statement "Science is helpful but doesn't have all the answers"



The Trek 1 min at a time!

Posted: Tuesday, September 9, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: , ,

I'm pretty excited about the new "contest" that we started in youth group this year, The Trek. The goal of The Trek is Growth, Accountablity, and Reward. Part of the growth aspect involves the 1 Min Bible. This is a great tool to get into God's word. It short and its truth and if you want to spend more then a 1 min it gives related text to go deeper!
Check it out and start spending time with God 1 minute at a time! See you on The Trek.
Learn more about The Trek here!

C2...Sunday School may never be the same!

Posted: Friday, September 5, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: ,

Love At Firt Sight Trailer from Randall House on Vimeo.

I think we are going take a look at this in Sunday School! This is an awesome idea. Check out www.c2dvd.com


Where are you roots?

Posted: Thursday, September 4, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: , ,

Heb 13:15-16
15 Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise — the fruit of lips that confess his name. 16 And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. NIV

"There's no fruit without some kind of root. So whatever comes out of our mouths actually comes from the roots that have taken hold deep in our souls." pg 108
Wired for a life of Worship (Student Edition of The Air I Breathe) by Louie Giglio

It is time for a root check....What do my words and action tell people about the location of my roots? Father please help me to sink my roots in you!


The Trust Factor

Posted: Tuesday, September 2, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: , ,

I've been stressing that last couple of day. I have a lot going on at work and I was ask to take over a job that there was no one lined up for. Well I was trying to cast my cares upon the Lord. Praying that I would trust in Him and rely on Him. I come to find out this new job I'm filling in for is pretty much all set and ready to go because of a great volunteer taking it a upon her self to get everything ready.

So it was pretty awesome going from seeming as if nothing is line up to having it all practically done. Thank you Lord for always working and teaching. Help me to trust in you more no matter what the out come.



Posted: Friday, August 29, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: , ,

Yes....I'm stressed right now...haven't posted in a while because I have been focusing on getting everything ready for our Fall Kick-off. On top of that I picked up a new roll because no one else is lined up which means more work....ugh. Well I need to rely on God and and just focus on the important stuff.



Posted: Tuesday, August 19, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: ,

Ok...so I've been watching the Olympics and there is some shaddy things going on in the gymnastics judging. There have been to major judging errors. Both times it was in favor of China. They really need to fix this sports scoring system...also how they break ties...my heart goes out to the two girls that got ripped off!

Quote...What is your response?

Posted: Thursday, August 14, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: , ,

"Human beings are easily alarmed, and Christians often respond to their fears by exaggerating the danger and by seeking solutions that do not appropriately address the problems."

I'm really loving this book. Dear Lord help me to be more like you!


Game of the Year-Fans vote

Posted: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: ,


Quote from Unchristian

Posted: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: , ,

"Our passion for Jesus should result in God-honoring, moral life-styles, not the other way around." Un-christian by David Kinnaman

Q: What is your priority in your Christianity?


Currently Reading

Posted: Wednesday, August 6, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: , ,

I'm currently reading Unchristian by David Kinnaman. Listen to this qoute:

One of the surprising insights from our research is that the growing
hostility toward Christians is very much a reflection of what outsiders feel
they receive from blievers. They say their aggression simply matches the
oversized opinions and egos of Christians. One outsider put it this way:
'Most people I meet assume that Christian means very conservative,
entrenched in
their thinking, antigay, antichoice, angry, violent,
illogical, empire builders;
they want to convert everyone, and they
generally cannot live peacefully with
anyone who doesn't believe what


Looks Good with anything from IKEA..lol..Wii Fit

Posted: by Paul Gaspar in Labels: , ,

http://view.break.com/541145 - Watch more free videos

Ah....yes...some very strong spoof marketing...I think I'll pick me up one of these! Get your giggle on.


I need my Miley! Or is it Hannah?

Posted: by Paul Gaspar in Labels: , ,

Entertainment Scientists Warn Miley Cyrus Will Be Depleted by 2013

This is great! Its funny cause its true. Thanks Becky for showing me this...lol.


End Of Reason

Posted: Tuesday, August 5, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: ,

I finished reading The End of Reason by Ravi Zacharias. Wow this was a great book and a pretty quick read. Its 128 pages or so. This book was written in response to Sam Harris' books. When I pick this book up I didn't realize this but it really didn't matter that I never ready Sam Harris' books.
Ravi is an amazing tool in the hands of God. He is a great thinker and very logical. There were words in this book I never seen before and a few sections were pretty deep. I would recommend this to anyone interested in atheism and Christianity.

Paying for others mistakes

Posted: Friday, August 1, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: ,

Well I've had to pain in the butt situations with Businesses. Both of them have been more work for me and a hassle.

One is with Borders.com. I tried ordering a book from them online. I went through the whole process and submitted my order. I then get an error message saying that we can't process your order right now. Come back and try again later. We since I got this message I went to another online story and bought it. Well guess want after I get the book from the other story I get that same book from Borders.com. Wait a mintue here it told me that they couldn't complete my order and to try back later. Why do I have a book from them. No big deal right. Just send it back. But there is a problem no return label for the postage. So its on to call customer service. After waiting a long time because of the "success" of there new website there is a long wait time. I really think when they use the word "success" they mean problems. So about every 10 seconds or so there is a voice reminding me that the wait is long and I'm important so I should stay hang in there. Well I finally get someone I talk to them and they tell me that I have to pay for the shipping! They told me that I never even placed the order...now I have 2 copies of the same book and they are telling me to pay for the shipping. Anyone else see a problem with that.

The other situation was with a credit card company. I will spare you this drama but will assure you that it is a pain.

So with all this said I would caution anyone wanting to buy a book from Borders.com.
Go to Barnes and Noble or Amazon.



Posted: Wednesday, July 30, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: , ,

How often do I put God in a box? God is always doing amazing things and most of the time it isn't on my time table. I'm so glad that God is in control and not me. It is so refreshing and encouraging to hear how God is working in others lives. I would encourage you to share what God is doing in your life. You never know it my just make someone elses day. I need to stop putting God in my box!

Father please help me to see you as God and not what I want you to be.



Posted: Tuesday, July 29, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in

Wow...time is flying by. I can't believe July is almost over. I really need to get focus and disciplined. There is a lot to be done for the Kick-off of youth group. For whatever reason I've been having trouble just being still and focusing on what needs to be done. I guess its all the in and out or I'm just to easily distracted. Well I guess I should try and get some of these things accomplished.

Dear God, Please help me to be focused.


What Matters Most

Posted: Wednesday, July 23, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: , ,

This was a great read. If you are a person who has trouble saying no and is swampped in busyness this book has great insights for you. It is pretty short and is focused on those that are in ministry but the principles are universal. Busyness is not a badge of honor!
God please help me to develop a deeper love for you and not let busyness rule my life.

Maybe later

Posted: by Paul Gaspar in Labels: , , ,

Check out this great Campaign...if this doen't inspire you, nothing will. Its time to take a stand!


Puzzle Farter, yes thats right!

Posted: by Paul Gaspar in Labels: ,

Here is a sound fill litte puzzle game that is not for the faint of heart. If you can't handle hearing fart sound effects this game isn't for you. But if you have the mentality of a jr higher, like me, this is a must! Check it out and love it.


Still Alive

Posted: Tuesday, July 22, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in

Yes I'm still alive and blogging. I just got back from vacation and had a wonderful time of rest and relaxation. Went down to Branson MO with my wife and some great friends. The only downside was that a little bug attacked a couple of us. So for a little bit of the time I got to know spend a good amount of time in the bathroom. Now it is back to some sort of normal schedule.

I'm trying to listen to God and figure out the directions and plans that He has for the youth ministry. Its time to get back into the trenches.

Speaking to Teenagers

Posted: Friday, July 11, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels:

Just finished this book. It took me a little bit but I made it all the way through. It was really good. Lots of reminders and some new ideas to test out. Its important to always be a learner. I thank God that He is the one that is in control and uses me even though I don't do everything right. I'm also greatful for Doug and Duffy sharing their wisdom on the topic of speaking to teenagers.



Posted: Thursday, July 10, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in

Well I'm 28 today. I still feel like I
I'm 21 just a lot fatter. I guess its time to start getting in shape. I hear it gets harder after 30. Ahhhh....I don't have much time!


Turkey Run

Posted: Wednesday, July 9, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels:

Went camping with my Mom, Dad, and little brother for a couple of days. It was some fun times. I'm so blessed with a great family. I thank God so much for them. Ilove hanging out with them.


New H3 Map and its FREE!

Posted: by Paul Gaspar in Labels: ,

Bungie remade a Halo 1 map and is giving it away for free. The new map is called Cold Storage. I've only messed around on it last night but it looks great and seems like it will be a fun one. See you on LIVE in Cold Storage.


1 Thessalonians

Posted: by Paul Gaspar in Labels: ,

God is so wise and awesome. I've been reading through 1 Thessalonians. I've been enjoying this time of being in relationship with God. I've read through this book before but God has been teaching and reminding me of what He wants in my life.

God please help me to live by your Spirit.

God's Will

Posted: Wednesday, July 2, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels:

1 Thess 4:3
3 It is God's will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; NIV

God wants us to be sanctified. What do you think that looks like in today's world? How would a sanctified life look different from an un-sanctified life? Can this sanctified life be lived Mon-Sat and outside the wall of the church building?

These are the question every person that has a relationship with Jesus needs to ask. I don't think that the answers to these are easy but God gives us more insite....Read 1 Thess 4:1-8.

Lord give me the wisdom and strength to live a sanctified life.


Flambeau 08

Posted: Saturday, June 28, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: , ,

Well I just got back from the canoe trip on the Flambeau river with the youth group. We do this trip through Camp Forest Springs. I have been praying that God would use this trip in a mighty way and I believe He did. Our guides were Luke & Maria and they have awesome hearts for God and they were tools in God's hands. They poured into our youth and loved on them. I beleive that God challenged us all on this trip and we all were streched. I'm so glad that God match us together. This was a great time to un-plug from our normal schedules and just hangout with God and each other. My pray now is that we would not just return to our normal schedules but that we will continue to live out what God challenged us with on this trip.



Posted: Saturday, June 21, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in

Well I will be offline for a while....Going to be on a Canoe Trip with the youth. I'm looking forward to seeing what God is going to teach us through this experenice. Lord please soften our hearts and let us hear the message you have for us.


Office War!

Posted: Friday, June 20, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels:

http://view.break.com/521743 - Watch more free videos

All office show do this!

Rat Pack

Posted: by Paul Gaspar in

Alright...this is a simple but fun game application for facebook. But I'm hooked!


Planning Trips

Posted: by Paul Gaspar in

I would say that planning trips is my least favorite part of my job. Going on trips is one of the bests. For whatever reason people have trouble getting in all there stuff on time and making a commitment. People now a days seem to have no problem breaking the commitment and trying to make it my fault and having me (youth mistry/church) take on the finical loss.

I wish this would change.


Posted: Thursday, June 19, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in

I'm lacking focus....my mind is all over the place. I think part of it is looking forward to the canoe trip. I need to get the devos done. Lord please help me to focus and commuinicate the message you have for us.


Digital World

Posted: Wednesday, June 18, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in

I'm a data pack rat!....I have so many files and hard drives going on. Computer's are great but it creates lots of data. I don't have the time to go through it all so I'm trying to burn DVD's of data and clear off my hard drives....and that takes time too.



Posted: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in

Well this last weekend I celebrated my 6th wedding anniversery. It was good times getting away and hanging out with my wife. I always thought that old saying "I love her more today than when we got married" was dumb and impossible. Now that I have 6 years under my belt I think that its true. Don't get me wrong...not everything is prefect...we fight..get on each others nerves and don't like each other at times. But I do love her more today than when we started!


Ninja Gaiden II review

Posted: Friday, June 13, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels:

I completed this game on the easy difficulty level which is still a pretty good challenge. If you liked the 1st Ninja Gaiden for the Xbox you will probably like this game as well. They have made some good advancements with this second game. It feels a lot like the one before but switching weapons, healing, and refilling your magic is a lot easier to do on the fly which makes this game more enjoyable to play. This game is M for mature which it is rightly rated. Crazy amounts of blood and body parts all over the place as well as the female characters needing some more clothes. I give it 4 Ryu's out of 5.

Esc Mini

Posted: by Paul Gaspar in

Well its been a unique week. We had are 6th-8th jr high program this week (Esc Mini). Lots of physical activity. But as I'm still a gimp it was hard not to be highly involved in the activities. But it was a great 3 days. The youth seem to have fun and the gospel was shared. Now I'm praying that God's message of redemption will take root and grow.


Bone Head

Posted: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in

So my arm has been improving each day. Last night I trip and fell and landed on it...So now it is a pain again! I'm pretty sure I'm a bone head...and I don't walk much.


Skit Guys, Star Wars, & Rules

Posted: by Paul Gaspar in

Ah...yes...The skit guys bring a good bit of humor yet with purpose. Check this clip out.


The Offer Update

Posted: Monday, June 9, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in

Well just got a call from our agent about the offer we put on the repo house. The bank accepted another offer. The offer they accepted was for more then the asking price. So God is telling us a no for this house right now. So we are dis-appointed.....but I'm sure there is something better out there and we need to rely on God even though we are sad about not getting this house.


Ouch update

Posted: Friday, June 6, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in

My arm is still not right but it has been getting better each day. As long as I keep babying it and don't do anything dumb I think it will be better in time for the Canoe trip! Praise God.


The Filter

Posted: by Paul Gaspar in

This is a great tool to get the media you want. www.thefilter.com


I'm trying to get some chips

Posted: Thursday, June 5, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in

Intresting video about those on the streets in Chicago asking for money. Check it out.


Prayer for Love

Posted: Wednesday, June 4, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in

1 Thess 3:12
12 May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you. NIV

Lord make my love increase for others.


Inside Bungie

Posted: by Paul Gaspar in

Did you know Bungie started in Chicago? Check out what it would be like to work a bungie.



Posted: by Paul Gaspar in

Hurt my arm playing a youth group game. I don't think its broke but it is messed up. This happened on Sunday. Its doing better but still not right. Fun times.


Halo Community

Posted: Sunday, June 1, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in

Check out this newly design bungie news. Bungie has a vocal community. Its pretty intresting to hear the feed back from changes they make. I find it intresting the out cry they had on the .4 BR change on a few maps.


The Offer

Posted: by Paul Gaspar in

Well we put an offer on the repo house. We found out there are two other offers on the table as well. So it trully is in God's hands. We should find out sometime next week what is going on.


Big Steps

Posted: Friday, May 30, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in

Right now my wife and I are considering purchasing a starter house. Its a scarry thing but we are praying about it and are confident God is going to teach us new things as we step out of our comfort zones. Let me tell you I like being comfortable so this is hard for me. I need to continue to put my trust in God!


Music Discovery

Posted: Thursday, May 29, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in

Check out this site that my Bro-in-law passed on to me. Make your own radio stations based on an artist you like. This site will play other songs that are similar. This allows you to give feed back, discover new songs and artists, create multiple stations and its free!



Always Something UPDATE

Posted: by Paul Gaspar in

Praise God! Our car trouble was fix quickly and for only $60. It was a good reminder that I need to keep my focus on God and not get so caught up with all the things in this life...they break and fade but God's glory lasts forever!


Always Something

Posted: Wednesday, May 28, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in

I need to go to bed cause tomorrow is a early morning and a busy day. Our car, the one that is suppose to be reliable, is having some issues. So down to one automoblie until we get this thing figured out. There is always something that comes out of no where to shake things up. I wonder if this is a reminder from God that I'm not really in control? That I need to learn to depend on Him more.



Posted: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in

Wow setting up a feed is a lot harder then I thought. I think I've got mine up and running. If anyone has any tips please help me out!


Posted: by Paul Gaspar in

Yes....I'm going to attempt to join the blogging community. I'm new at this so please patient with me as I figure this out....Everyone has to be a newbie at some point. Hopefully I will move through that stage quickly.