
Posted: Friday, August 29, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: , ,

Yes....I'm stressed right now...haven't posted in a while because I have been focusing on getting everything ready for our Fall Kick-off. On top of that I picked up a new roll because no one else is lined up which means more work....ugh. Well I need to rely on God and and just focus on the important stuff.



Posted: Tuesday, August 19, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: ,
0 I've been watching the Olympics and there is some shaddy things going on in the gymnastics judging. There have been to major judging errors. Both times it was in favor of China. They really need to fix this sports scoring system...also how they break heart goes out to the two girls that got ripped off!

Quote...What is your response?

Posted: Thursday, August 14, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: , ,

"Human beings are easily alarmed, and Christians often respond to their fears by exaggerating the danger and by seeking solutions that do not appropriately address the problems."

I'm really loving this book. Dear Lord help me to be more like you!


Game of the Year-Fans vote

Posted: Wednesday, August 13, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: ,


Quote from Unchristian

Posted: Tuesday, August 12, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: , ,

"Our passion for Jesus should result in God-honoring, moral life-styles, not the other way around." Un-christian by David Kinnaman

Q: What is your priority in your Christianity?


Currently Reading

Posted: Wednesday, August 6, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: , ,

I'm currently reading Unchristian by David Kinnaman. Listen to this qoute:

One of the surprising insights from our research is that the growing
hostility toward Christians is very much a reflection of what outsiders feel
they receive from blievers. They say their aggression simply matches the
oversized opinions and egos of Christians. One outsider put it this way:
'Most people I meet assume that Christian means very conservative,
entrenched in
their thinking, antigay, antichoice, angry, violent,
illogical, empire builders;
they want to convert everyone, and they
generally cannot live peacefully with
anyone who doesn't believe what


Looks Good with anything from Fit

Posted: by Paul Gaspar in Labels: , ,
0 - Watch more free videos

Ah....yes...some very strong spoof marketing...I think I'll pick me up one of these! Get your giggle on.


I need my Miley! Or is it Hannah?

Posted: by Paul Gaspar in Labels: , ,

Entertainment Scientists Warn Miley Cyrus Will Be Depleted by 2013

This is great! Its funny cause its true. Thanks Becky for showing me


End Of Reason

Posted: Tuesday, August 5, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: ,

I finished reading The End of Reason by Ravi Zacharias. Wow this was a great book and a pretty quick read. Its 128 pages or so. This book was written in response to Sam Harris' books. When I pick this book up I didn't realize this but it really didn't matter that I never ready Sam Harris' books.
Ravi is an amazing tool in the hands of God. He is a great thinker and very logical. There were words in this book I never seen before and a few sections were pretty deep. I would recommend this to anyone interested in atheism and Christianity.

Paying for others mistakes

Posted: Friday, August 1, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: ,

Well I've had to pain in the butt situations with Businesses. Both of them have been more work for me and a hassle.

One is with I tried ordering a book from them online. I went through the whole process and submitted my order. I then get an error message saying that we can't process your order right now. Come back and try again later. We since I got this message I went to another online story and bought it. Well guess want after I get the book from the other story I get that same book from Wait a mintue here it told me that they couldn't complete my order and to try back later. Why do I have a book from them. No big deal right. Just send it back. But there is a problem no return label for the postage. So its on to call customer service. After waiting a long time because of the "success" of there new website there is a long wait time. I really think when they use the word "success" they mean problems. So about every 10 seconds or so there is a voice reminding me that the wait is long and I'm important so I should stay hang in there. Well I finally get someone I talk to them and they tell me that I have to pay for the shipping! They told me that I never even placed the I have 2 copies of the same book and they are telling me to pay for the shipping. Anyone else see a problem with that.

The other situation was with a credit card company. I will spare you this drama but will assure you that it is a pain.

So with all this said I would caution anyone wanting to buy a book from
Go to Barnes and Noble or Amazon.
