The Christian Atheist: Believing in God but Living As If He Doesn't Exist
Posted: Tuesday, July 20, 2010 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: books, challenge
Less Clutter. Less Noise.: Beyond Bulletins, Brochures and Bake Sales
A couple of weeks back I finished reading Less Clutter. Less Noise. Beyond Bulletins, Brochures And Bake Sales by Kem Meyer. One the the reason I picked up this book is that I make a bulletin insert pretty much every week and I make handouts all the time. It was a good read with some good insights. Not everything in the book applied to me but it helped me reflect on how I communicate on the web, in print and verbal. I have implemented several of the ideas already. It is 270 pages long but is served up in bit size chunks and is easy to read.
What are your thoughts on this?
Just finished reading it: How Churches And Leaders Can Get it And Keep it by Craig Groeschel. I enjoyed reading this book. It was a good reminder that the leadership needs to focus on what really matters, their relationship with Jesus. This book brought balance to all the things I've been reading lately. It reminded me about how God is the one who changes lives and not copying the church down the street or implementing the "new" ministry strategy.
I really enjoy the last two chapters. Craig talkes about how he had it and lost it and then re-gain it. A lot of times at church we forget that its about doing everything we can to share the good news of Jesus with a world full of hurt and pain. Instead we get caught up in being comfortable and not looking at people the way Jesus did.
You may have seen this already. I've seen it posted on facebook and in tweets. I first checked it out after reading this tweet-@DougFields What do you think? Has church become "this" predictable? Interesting to say the least!
"Sunday's Coming" Movie Trailer from North Point Media on Vimeo.
Any thoughts?
I've been thinking about leadership lately and I've been in full-time ministry for 7 and half years now. I came across Dave Kraft's book Leaders Who Last. I thought well I want to last, so I picked up a copy.
It was a great read with lots of actuate observations and practical advice. I would encourage anyone who is in a leadership position or planning on being a leader in ministry to check out this book. I think it will be very helpful and its only 148 pages. Most of the stuff in this book are things you probably already know but have forgot or just haven't taken the time to think about. It was very refreshing for me.
Excited that I was able to take part in what God was doing in one of the youth groups students lives. Nick S. came up to me after youth group and had some questions. That night Nick started his relationship with Jesus and now is one of God's children. Praise God! Nick told me that he had been thinking about things since winter retreat. I'm glad God choose to let me be a part of Nick's journey. Please keep Nick in your prayers.
I just finished reading Thriving Youth Groups-secrets for growing your ministry & creating a friendship culture by Jeanne Mayo. I thought it was a really good book with a lot of practical ideas. I would encourage anyone involved in youth ministry to check it out.
I'm amazed at how God chooses to work through all different types of personalities. When I take a moment to self reflect on the youth ministry that I'm apart of I totally see God. I feel like I'm a mess and I'm not doing things right.