I'm Going to be a Dad!
Posted: Wednesday, December 31, 2008 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: Family, fun, thoughts
That's right. Rach and I just found out yesterday (12.30.08 which is Rachel's Bday as well) that she is pregnant! Thier will be a little mini-me running around in September sometime. We are hoping to be in a house before the new member of our family join us if that is God's will. Life is about to change for us!
Dear Heavenly Father we pray that this new life will grow and be healthy and that you will protect Rachel and this little one. We pray that we would be parents that glorify you and guide and point this child to you. Amen.
That is the strangest looking baby I have ever seen. As far as running around in September, babies can't run when they are born. But your may be playing video games by then.