The Church...

Posted: Thursday, April 30, 2009 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: , , ,

I finished reading two books about the church. Vintage Church and On Church Leadership (Book You'll Actually Read). The reason you'll actually read On Church Leadership is because its only 94 pages! Mark Driscoll takes a look at what the Bible tells us about church leadership. Mark also share from his experience from planting Mars Hill Church. I thought it was a good study and would be helpful for anyone that is involved in a local church.

Vintage Church also was a good read with good insights about truth, methods, and the mission of the church. This book is a little bit of a heavier read. I think Mark Driscoll does a great job studying the word and applying it biblically in our world. I have enjoyed thinking and studying what God wants to do through His church.

The question that I keep asking myself is what things do we need to evaluate and change to be local church that God wants us to be?


Fund Hazing

Posted: Friday, April 24, 2009 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: , ,

Fund Hazing is the title of the Article on p.64 of the May/June 2009 Youth Worker Jouranl. This article is written by Steve Argue. I thought that this was a great article to really make you think about how you do fundrasing in youth ministry. You need to ask this question about your fundrasing method, what are you teaching the youth with this method?

Are youth ministries teaching and encouraging consumerism with their methods of fundrasing? I would encourage you if you are envolved in youth ministry to read this article.

On a side note I remember the first time I crossed paths with Steve Argue. I was doing a youth internship at a church and we took the youth to SEMP. Steve was one of the instructers at SEMP. It was neat to read an article by him in Youth Worker Journal.


Living it

Posted: Thursday, April 23, 2009 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: , , ,

Mark 12:30-31 Luke 6:27

Jedidiah Community: Erin Lyde from Jedidiah Clothing on Vimeo.

How can you live out Jesus' words today?


Youth Service 09

Posted: Monday, April 20, 2009 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: ,

April 26th the youth at Oak Lawn Bible Church are going to be hosting a dinner and running the evening service. The youth have been working hard the last few weeks getting ready for it. Now its crunch time and things are startin to come together. I pray that adults will come out and be encouraged and encourage the youth and that Jesus will be glorified. I'm excited to see what God is going to do through this.


Mythic Map Pack

Posted: Saturday, April 18, 2009 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: , ,

The Mythic Map Pack comes with 3 new maps. I've been playing on them for a couple of days now and figured I would review them. Assembly is a pretty fun map. It remindes me of a few other Halo maps mashed together. The maps that it reminds me of are Foundation(H2), Midship(H2),and Wizard(H1)/Warlock(H2). I think this is a pretty fun map. I've had some fun Slayer games on it. Assembly gets a thumbs up from me. Orbital is another one of the new maps. This map is interesting. It pretty much a few halls ways that snake around. I do not like this map. Maybe it will grow on me but I give it a thumbs down. The last map of the pack is Sandbox. This map is great for capture the flag. Its a pretty big map. And if you like to build maps Bungie included a "basement" and the "sky" to let your creative map juices run wild. I give this map a thumbs up.

Game on!

1st Ultrasound!

Posted: Tuesday, April 7, 2009 by Paul Gaspar in Labels:

Rach had her 1st ultrasound today. It looks like we will be having a BOY! I will post pics once I get it all scanned in.

Vintage Church

Posted: Monday, April 6, 2009 by Paul Gaspar in Labels: , ,

I have been enjoying the ministry that Mark Driscoll has over the last several months. I have visited the Mars Hill Church website, listen to podcasts, and follow Mark Driscoll on twitter. So a few weeks ago I decided to purchase a copy of Vintage Church by Mark Driscoll & Gerry Breshears. I'm excited to spend some time in this book and spend time thinking about the church.


Reading through the Bible

Posted: by Paul Gaspar in Labels: , ,

I have recently purchased the Logos Bible Software for my laptop. One of the features in this program is to set-up a Bible reading plan. So I decided that I should read through the whole Bible. I haven't done this since my MBI days.

I finished Exodus the other day. As I was reading through it I was really glad that I wasn't alive during this time. Just imagine what it would be like in the tabernacle. The sights, sounds, and smells....I'm pretty sure I would pass out. I'm in Leviticus right now which continues to talk about the sacrifical system. I wonder why God had them put some of the blood on the priests toe? Leviticus 8:23


Lost and Found

Posted: by Paul Gaspar in Labels:

I finished reading this book last week. It was a great read and had lots of valuable nuggets in it. A lot of 20 somethings seem to be missing in church. Lost and Found looks at this trend and offers research to help us understand what the 20 somethings believe. The first few chapters have lots of numbers and stats. The rest of the book helps you understand the stats and trends and looks at a few churchs that are sucessfully reaching out to this group.
